About Me

I've moved, I've moved! Please see the post below for a link to my updated blog. Thank you!

Friday, February 27, 2009

A not-so-subtle hint

I was making breakfast and heard my 2 yr old telling the baby to "say cheeeeeeeese!" so I grabbed my camera! You have to feel bad for the children of photographers. EVERYTHING in their lives is documented and shared!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Stormy weather...

Our power went out at about 6:30 this morning! It would come back on for about 10 minutes, then shut off again. It was SO annoying! I realized how spoiled my 2 year old is. She gets a hot breakfast every morning and she was not amused by the cereal I gave her! She held out until the power came back on at 9:30, then devoured scrambled eggs. Silly girl!

While we were without power and electric entertainment (ie, Little Einsteins), I set the baby on the floor for some natural light work!

Yesterday, I was playing with my 2 1/2 yr old and a little gnat landed near her. She jumped back about 5 feet and started screaming that there was a spider! She absolutely insisted that it was a spider and that he was going to get her. She kept her eye on him until he finally flew away. She can be so girly sometimes!

Very concerned about that deadly gnat that was sure to attack!

Keeping her eye on that sneaky devil...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I'm finally here!!

My very first post on the brand spankin' new blog! Wow! I have so much to say, but don't know where to start! Well, first of all, I started this blog as a way to showcase my photos and as a place to direct people so they can see my work and know that I'm legit. I'm tired of the, "do you have kids? Send them to my basement for photos..." routine. It seemed so creepy! Yes, I have an actual photography studio set up in my home where I take actual photos.

I'm currently working to build my portfolio. Through the end of March, I will not be charging a session fee and will be selling the prints at 50% off my final cost. All I ask in return is that you sign a model release allowing me to use photos in my portfolio, including online galleries and here in my blog. I'm looking for newborns, babies, children, seniors and families, so don't be shy about contacting me! If you're looking for engagement photos, I'll gladly give those a go as well!